There is Beauty All Around

 I don't have a lot of time to write but pictures are more fun anyway. Enjoy!

These are pictures taken from behind the house. Everything is in blossom and beautiful. We love going for walks on the trails outside and seeing all of the wonderful things Heavenly Father created for us. Jeremiah loves the wildlife around here. There are always bunnies, dear, giant squirrels or other critters around the house

 For Easter our wonderful Neighbors and ward friends threw a party. All of the little ones were able to play games and hunt for easter eggs. It was so cute to watch all of the babies and toddlers. They didn't quite get the whole easter egg thing but they loves running around and taking eggs out of and putting eggs in each others baskets. 
Jeremiah thought that the eggs were fun all by themselves. He thew them, rolled them and just laughed and laughed. But, once he found out there was candy inside of the eggs he was even more pleased!

We went to Belle Isle for spring break and had a fantastic time. Bell Isle was beautiful and relaxing. Most days were spent playing games in the sun room/dinning room and going canoeing. Jeremiah loved playing in the water but didn't like getting bumped around by the waves.
Chris and I went out canoeing at sunset and enjoyed the beautiful colors.


  1. Those pictures that are taken behind your house are gorgeous!

  2. you have a darling family. btw, loving your photography! you're doing great. xoxo
