This Halloween we dressed up as characters from "How to Train Your Dragon". Chris and I were vikings and Jeremiah was a baby dragon. Jeremiah loves his costume; both times that we've let Jeremiah wear his dragon costume he's ran around the house "RAWR"ing. It's pretty cute!
We enjoyed a fun Saturday at Great Grandma Christensen's home where we paraded around the block and had lots of fun treats. I think we were all sick to our stomaches by the time we left. 
Tonight we will be spending time with G&G Brown. Jeremiah's uncles are excited to take him trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. After tonight I'm sure our stomaches will be turned into petrified candy!


  1. He makes an adorable dragon. What a cute idea to dress up as Vikings to match him. You should put up a picture of you too.

  2. Thanks. I would have put up a picture but I was the one taking all of the pictures. :S
