Happy Days

This past Thursday my husband surprised me with a cute little box and a note for my birthday. Excitedly I opened the box only to find a whole bunch of mud! YES! Just what I wanted :S Actually, it turns out that this was his way of telling me that I was going to run in The Dirty Dash (a 10k race in Midway Utah). I had been wanting to run the race and kept asking about it but it was too expensive to register so late in the game. So, it was a great surprise and a wonderful present!
Today we ran The Dirty Dash.  I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed getting so dirty. What a great memory.

And, to top the day off, I went to the General Relief Society Meeting. I enjoyed all of the talks but the one that really spoke to me was the talk given by Elder Uchtdorf. I adore him! Not only is he the most handsome apostle (in my opinion) but also extremely sweet and funny. I genuinely feel his love for me and for the members of the church. He hit on 5 points that stem from his thoughts on the Forget Me Not flower.
1. Forget Not to be Patient with Yourself
I think it's so important that we don't get down on ourselves for not being perfect. A problem that many of the women of the church have. Why is it that we believe we have to be the perfect mom, wife, cook, pianist, painter, etc? And, what is perfection? Is our vision of what perfection is warped?
2. Forget Not the Difference Between a Good Sacrifice and a Foolish Sacrifice.
Sometimes we focus too much on trying to go the extra mile but the sacrifice we make in order to do so might not be wise.
3. Forget Not to be Happy Now!
We should enjoy the blessings we currently have and life in happiness along our quest for perfection.
4. Forget Not the "Why" of the Gospel.
We often focus on the "What" (what do I have to do now?) and "How" (how the heck am I going to find time to do this?) but, as we remember the "Why" it makes the "What" and "How" so much easier to see and do.
5. Forget Not that the Lord Loves You
:) We are beloved daughters of our Heavenly Father and He LOVES us! We are loved by the most magnificent being in the entire universe.

Wow! It's so wonderful that we have modern day apostles and a prophet who leads our church and speaks on behalf of God. We can hear exactly what Heavenly Father wants us to know.

I am also posting a few pictures of Jeremiah because I know you all enjoy seeing pictures of him more than hearing about our lives. :) I took these over the past 2 days. 

Oh...to sleep like a baby! I swear Jeremiah can sleep  in ANY position.

We all have BYU jerseys so that we can sport them when we watch the games. The picture on the left is Jeremiah in football line position. We thought this was funny.

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