This Halloween we dressed up as characters from "How to Train Your Dragon". Chris and I were vikings and Jeremiah was a baby dragon. Jeremiah loves his costume; both times that we've let Jeremiah wear his dragon costume he's ran around the house "RAWR"ing. It's pretty cute!
We enjoyed a fun Saturday at Great Grandma Christensen's home where we paraded around the block and had lots of fun treats. I think we were all sick to our stomaches by the time we left.
Tonight we will be spending time with G&G Brown. Jeremiah's uncles are excited to take him trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. After tonight I'm sure our stomaches will be turned into petrified candy!
Every time I've taken Jeremiah to the store he has grabbed at and cried for the pumpkins outside. I always felt like I was in a hurry or didn't want to spend more time in the busy parking lot but, yesterday I decided to let him have a little fun. We sat outside the local Smith's store for about a half an hour so that Jeremiah could play with (pound on) the pumpkins before grocery shopping. When it was time to go into the store Jeremiah wasn't going to come without bringing a pumpkin with him. So, he happily sat in the cart with his pumpkin while I shopped for and bought the items I came for. As I put him in his car seat he threw a bit of a fit as usual but as soon as I set his little pumpkin down beside him he giggled and clapped his hands. I don't know what it is about his little pumpkin...maybe, he loves it because it's orange or because it makes a cool sound and feels funny but, more than likely he loves it because everyone else he sees has one. Since we've been home I think he's been without his pumpkin only to sleep. Today, I told him that he could only play with the pumpkin outside and I set it on the porch but, now he walks to the door and pounds on it every hour. Who knew that an .80¢ pumpkin would be more fun than a $20 truck?
Jeremiah has been developing quite the little personality. It's been interesting to watch him interact with other people, especially, other children. Jeremiah now sings, dances (squats and waves his hands in the air), claps, screams, talks and gets into mischief more than ever before. If you're looking for a fun time just hang out with Jeremiah for a few hours.
After about an hour into Stake Conference today, Jeremiah decided that he had had enough. So, Chris took him out in the hall to play. Jeremiah was in baby heaven! Chris said that as soon as he set Jeremiah down he ran over to the first kid he saw and said, "HUH?!!" about 1in from the kids face. When the boy didn't respond he went to the next child and did the same thing. Jeremiah continued to do this to ever child he saw. We knew that he had finally found a worthy friend when he stopped to play with a little boy and then began sucking on his head. But, that didn't last long. As soon as Jeremiah heard a little boy crying he walked over and put the toy that the boy was playing with into the boy's mouth. HA!
I'm going to need to teach Jeremiah about personal space!
After I had Jeremiah I kind of lost myself a little bit. I felt like I stopped progressing in a way and that I was stuck in a land of "sleepless baby-ness". A few months ago I decided I would take my life back and started setting weekly and monthly goals for myself in order to become a better me, a better mom, wife and woman of God. This month my goal is to write in my journal every day as well as continuing my past goals (reading scriptures every day alone and with Chris and Jeremiah, praying daily, reading my patriarchal blessing weekly and exercising 3 times a week).
It's so easy to get caught up in the unimportant things in life. I think too much about my hair, my clothes, what my future home will look like, making everyone in the ward cookies, picking up all of Jeremiah's toys every 15 minutes etc. As I listened to General Conference this past weekend I was reminded of the important things. I think it's time I spend more thinking about and doing better things. No!.. the best things. Setting goals to do not just good things but the best things, I believe, will bring me closer to the Lord and greater happiness.
Setting, working on and achieving goals has brought me so much happiness. It's a skill that I learned as a Young Woman and I am so grateful that it was taught to me.
These are a few things I have learned about setting goals:
1. Set small goals in order to achieve greater ones
2. Repent and Start each day new (don't let a day of "failure" get you down)
3. Write your goals down and make a plan
4. Make your goals positive (state them in a positive way). Rather than say "I will not be the fat me that I am" say, "I will eat 3 servings of my favorite vegetables every day."
5. Don't overwhelm yourself and set too many goals at once.
6. Reward yourself with good things that are not contrary to your goals
7. Pray for help and guidance
8. Report to (or brag to) a spouse, realative or friend. Ask them for suggestions and help.
9. Read your scriptures, the ensign and conference talks. They will motivate you and even help you see examples of others reaching their goals.
10. Tell yourself every morning that you are wonderful and that you can accomplish anything you want to with the help of the Lord.
If you haven't been setting goals lately, I challenge you to do so. Come on this adventure with me and become a better you. If you can't think of goals I'll give you a list of a few of the goals that I would like to meet.
Read to Jeremiah 2 hours a day everyday
Go outside for a walk just to enjoy the day 2 times a week
Take 1 picture a day of something that made me smile
Tell my husband that I love him in a new/different/special way everyday
Finish the Book of Mormon 2 times a year
Write missionary letters every fast sunday
Re-memorize all of the scripture masteries